As you have seen, we welcomed our newest addition, a boy, to our family!
Cort Brennan was born on tuesday and we couldn't be happier!
Cort was born 7 lbs 11.6 ounces and 21" long. He seems so long and skinny to us because Ty was born a full pound bigger but the same length (and not that long ago).
Just Chillin'
Proud daddy and Cort
Ella, Cort and Mommy. Ty was getting over a slight fever.
Our 4th of July festivities!
As seen before, they are both celebrating their first 4th of July!
We had a perfect view of the Grand Rapids fireworks from our hospital room!
Cort is ready to leave the hospital!
And we can't forget the stork. Seems like we did this less than a year ago. Oh wait, we did!