Mar 27, 2014

Great Wolf Lodge

We were able to spend the weekend at Great Wolf Lodge enjoying the 84 degree indoor pool and activities.  We are thankful that Nana and Papa were able to join us in our fun.  They were a lot of help with the children as well.  
Ella took a junior lifeguard class where she learned what the lifeguards do and got to try a few things herself.  They have a plastic boy to practice with and Ella saved "Timmie" extremely quick!! Future lifeguard??

A rare moment

Cort loved the water!!

Family swimming moment


Mar 24, 2014

The evolution of a photo...

The evolution of a photo...

First, set the children

Check out your brother

get the wiggles out

try to get away

pick fuzzies out of your toes

check out your sister

throw your hat

stick out your tongue


wait for it

wait for it


February Fun

Children's Museum

