Oct 31, 2014

Fall Fun up north!

Oct 11, 2014


Busy Busy!

 Labor Day Truck parade...  "big trucks" was the phrase of the day!

 Ella's first day of riding the bus!

 Our camping weekend got completely rained out, so we quickly changed our plans and went to the circus!

Ella and Ty at the circus.  This was one of the strange faces he was making :)

 Ella lost her first tooth!! Look at that smile!

Feeding the goats with our street sista Ellie!

Ty and Cort watching Ella play soccer!

Ella playing soccer!

 Beach moment on a sunny day!

 Waiting for the bus!

Pumpkinfest festivities!

Face Painting!

More face painting!!

Art Prize 2014

Ella and her friend were able to cheer at the HCHS football game during the 2nd quarter!