Nov 20, 2014


Your check is in the mail..... somewhere!

So I am well aware that the ancient art of sending a payment through the good 'ole United States Postal Service is so very 15 year ago, but I do find myself doing it from time to time.  

And so I did. 

30 days later, my payment has not arrived in Illinois.

So I ask, where are you little check? 

Have you gotten yourself stuck on the bottom of that big blue mailbox?
Did you find yourself hidden under the seat in the mail truck?
Have you arrived at a strangers mailbox instead of our agreed upon destination?

 Where are you little check?
I miss you so!

Nov 11, 2014

toddler talking...

A few of our favorite sayings from our two year old...

Mom:  "Ty, why don't you keep your socks on?"
Ty:  "Because then I can't march!"

Ty:  "La  La La"  (singing in the car holding his snack cup)
Ty:  "Uh Oh"
Ty: "I can't sing! I lost my cup!"

Nov 7, 2014


Awwww!  How adorable!
Ella is Elsa
Ty is a penguin
Cort is a cow
And everyone was Frozen when we were done trick-or-treating!