Jun 27, 2017

Fathers Day

Fathers Day

Ty and Cort each wanted to make dad a cake for Fathers Day!

 Ty had a little help with the words.

Then we took dad to the museum.

This is what most of the pictures look like.

Sometimes we catch them all looking!

Brotherly Love

Someone got braces!

She was very brave getting them on!  It's been a little sore, but she is doing well.

Camping trip #1 for the summer

This is our first camping trip of the summer.  Our first voyage with our new (used) hybrid camper.  All went well!!  Peter is very handy at figuring it all out.  

We camped with friends that also have 4 children.  It was good to spend time outside with friends.

Enjoying the campsite

Our outdoor carpet turned into a gymnastics mat.

We climbed a dune near the lighthouse.

 A fawn friend stopped by for a brief visit.

The "new" camper

I think all 8 kids enjoyed the smore's while the dads ate the leftovers and the moms ran around wiping hands and faces!

Jun 22, 2017


Random pics...

 Grandpa E and Tripp doing puzzles

Tripp likes to read books in the kitchen on his lawn mower...??

Ella's last field trip of the school year!

Ty and Cort having some Grandma time!

Ty and Tripp on the tractor.  

Ty, Cort and Tripp are all under the deck "helping" papa fix the lattice.

Memorial Weekend

Memorial weekend was full of fun and work.  We spread new bark and the 3 older kids helped. Cort was quite a hard worker. His cheeks were pink the entire day!

Had to get more supplies for the landscape and garden.

Cort was in the parade so we all went to watch!

Ella and Eden made some patriotic jello 

End of Preschool

Ty and Cort had their last days of school. 
Cort had a party at a park, so Tripp joined us. 

And Ty had a preschool graduation!  He was SOOO excited!!

Running and Swimming

Ella did her first 5K run in May! She did amazing and I am especially proud of her wonderful positive attitude!!

Another round of swimming lessons. Ella had her last day of swimming lessons right after her 5k run.  All she needed was to go for a bike ride and she did a mini-triathlon!

I'm so behind!

Ty had a special moms night at school.  We were both very excited!