Jan 23, 2018

Ice Skating

We took the kids ice skating again. Each child is so unique and it was fun to watch them. 

Ella does well to keep her balance. She was proud that she didn't fall at all! My favorite thing was her big smile!

Ty went out and tried very hard! He fell a lot, but always got up and kept trying. He didn't want to get off the ice!!

Cort was trying hard too, but a bit more cautious. He stayed by the wall unless he was doing his "spin move".

This was Tripp's first time out. We set him on the ice and he moved 4 feet all by himself!  He seemed to have a great ability to balance!


Peter got an idea to build some birdhouses to add to our backyard.  So they went to work at Papa's workshop. (Mom supervised and pounded a few nails)


These girls are fantastic!  20 1/2 years ago we graduated high school together.  We all went in different directions, but every so often we come back together.  We laugh, we catch up, we praise God for our many blessings and we laugh some more! 

Meijer Gardens

We made it to Meijer Gardens to see the Christmas trees this year. 


Jan 22, 2018

New Years Eve

New Years Eve

We spent some time with our neighbor friends. The kids had fun!


Jan 21, 2018

Chrismas Parties

More Christmas Parties

 Cousin Henry is a favorite!

Mrs. Claus read a story to the little ones

Christmas Party #2

Grandma and the kids
 Cousin Heidi is also a favorite
Christmas Parties!

Fun with the cousins and filters.


Ty and Cort doing new lego's with great-uncle Jim

Christmas 2017

Our Christmas 2017

Christmas Eve church

You can't have a kid pic without someone picking their nose!

The afternoon was filled with new matching PJ's and new lego's!

Christmas morning was filled with excitement!

Ella and her dolls 

Cort and Tripp dig into their stockings

Ty digging into his stocking

The day after Christmas, we had some more fun times.  We opened a box of goodies from some friends.  The kids found lots of cool stuff in there.

They all liked the face masques, but Tripp maybe not so much.

We were able to go to the museum with all of us. 

Jan 5, 2018

December fun

Some fun activities in December

Christmas parade

Tripps first movie at the theater. It's been a while since Peter was there too.They have quite comfy seating these days!

Snow Day! so we had a few friends over!

Ty's school project.  The manger scene

Ty had his first Sunday School program this year. He sang his songs and did his line very well!! Ella was also in it and sang and did her line well too!  She also sang a duet with her friend Ava. SO PROUD!!

The annual Jingle Jog.  This is Ty's first year to run the jingle jog at school. It was also PJ day in his classroom.  I think he had fun!

 Ella running her jingle jog. She looks happy too!