Oct 4, 2009

30th B-day!

Life can bring us the highest of highs and lowest of lows. But it's how you live that shows your true character. It was my 30th birthday this weekend. There were moments where I approached the day defeated. Counting my losses instead of my blessings. But after taking one moment at a time, there is no reason to count my losses when I have the most amazing blessings that a person could have. After an invigorating 5K in the rain Saturday morning, a good friend spent the afternoon with me. There was good conversation, support and just her presence showed me that I have a true friend! Then off to dinner with my sister, which turned out to be my friends as well. A complete and amazing surprise!! It was great to have some wine and drinks, good food, excellent conversations, and more smiles and laughs than I truly deserve. Thank you to all of you! Sunday also provided a day of family, and more surprise friends. Words can not express how special, loved and supported I feel by my family and my friends. These people in my life are real, genuine reflections of God's love. I may not have a photograph to capture the day, but I can say that my 30th birthday certainly left a mark!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for you and your birthday! We love you chica!
