Sep 6, 2017

Labor Day Camping

Another camping trip over Labor Day. 

Ella and I played some very unsuccessful rounds of Bingo. These are our empty boards a few numbers into the round.  Ella finally got close on the last round, the grand finale.  She was one chip away from winning!!

This little guy can be a handful sometimes.  I found him brushing his teeth in the shower one day.

But he followed it up with a very peaceful nap. How cute is that!

The rock climbing wall was a big hit! This is Ella on the left and Ty on the right. Cort is about to start too.

Cort reached the top.

Even Tripp could do it, with a few extra foot holds from daddy.

Beautiful morning for a hike up the dunes.

Nap time didn't go quite as smooth on day 2.

Good time for some pool and sun!

Cort was a great big brother and pulled Tripp around in the red wagon. But Cort also parked Tripp and the wagon under our table.  Tripp didn't seem to mind!

Ella roasted the perfect marshmallow and made a very tasty smore.

Movie night!

My little buddy at a cute moment.

Awesome pool, but slightly chilly on Labor Day!

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