Jan 25, 2010


I've been pondering music lately. Music moves me. It touches my soul. A piece of music may mean nothing to me one day, but bring me to tears the next. An appropriate song can move my mind and legs through the last steps of my run. I heard "Lay 'em Down" by needtobreath and started tapping my foot and dancing. Beethovens symphony No. 5 in C minor motivated me to clean my house. "Claire de Lune" by Dubussy by it's euphoric grace and peace with moments of movement like running. Then once you've reached the destination, you slowly wander and breath it in, or stop to smell the roses, as the phrase goes. How often do we stop to smell the roses? Playing a piece on piano can calm my nerves. Learning a new chord progression on the guitar can inspire me to learn more. A song can calm a child to sleep.

As I look at my playlist created so many months ago, and I see how far I've come. How a few of those songs no longer are reflective of me. How they applied so well then, but don't now. Ever changing and ever growing in songs and in life. I really like the song "Happy" by Leona Lewis right now.
How long do you want to be loved? Is forever enough? Lyrics from "Lullaby" by Dixie Chicks. How perfectly put for the depth of God's love for us.
Does music move you?

Jan 16, 2010

Ice Skating Adventure!

Ella's first ice skating experience. She did fantastic for her first time at 2 years old!