Mar 24, 2017

It's about time!

It's about time I updated!

 Ty had a dress up day at school, and Cort wanted to dress up too!

 Ty decided to be the police man at school.

Ella doing one of her favorite things (reading) ... upside down.  It reminds me of a picture of her from 2010!  

Doesn't everyone eat fruit snacks upside down on the couch with a net on their head?

Moms big helpers at the store!

 Ella & Ty


Ty and Cort like to build "machines"

Ty, Cort and Tripp all on the Princess couch...

While Peter and I spent a few beautiful days in the windy city, Ty and Cort along with Chase and Marshall were able to have some fun at Nana and Papa's!