Dec 29, 2015

December crafts

We made the birds a special treat!  Bird seed in cookie cutter shapes. We had a dinosaur, star, sun, duck, heart, train and truck.

We hung them from the tree and watched the squirrels try to reach them!  Hours of entertainment!

We painted some crafts for Christmas presents.  I think they had fun! 


 Ella (she did Tripp's too)

And we made Christmas cookies!

The kids decorated the tree all by themselves!

Swimming lessons

Saturday Swimming lessons

 Daddy and Cort



Downtown fun!

Some downtown fun for December!

Christmas Parade!  It was cold, but not too bad! Tripp slept through it all!

 There was also reindeer, Carriage rides, hot chocolate and a tree!
 Ty and Cort


 Ella, Ty and Cort

Dec 14, 2015

More November 2015

Fun filled weekend in Chicago with some seriously awesome ladies!

Tripp is 4 months old!  Love the little tongue look

AMAZING Double Full Rainbow!  It was simply stunning!! 
(I couldn't get it all in one picture )

Thanksgiving Day 5k in Madison Wisconsin!  Not my best run, but i had a great friend to run with (Peter)! 

Tripp's first dip in a pool!

Cort was a cold little one after his swim in the hotel pool!

Nov 30, 2015

Fall 2015

 Yes, there are 3 kids in there!

 Ella turned 8!

Nov 4, 2015

More halloween fun!

More dress up fun!
We took the boys to the Zoo Boo on a Saturday afternoon. It was a little rainy but a bit warmer, so they did well and got some candy too!

Tripp was swimming in the over sized cow outfit.  But it was better than his dragon outfit which had a tail and wings in the back. Not real comfy for the car seat carrier.

Little Corty wore the fireman outfit at 2 1/4 years old, that Ty wore at 1 1/4 years old.  I wish they could get on the same page with size.  It would make my life a lot easier!

Ty wore the penguin outfit that he wore last year.  Pretty fitting to visit his penguin friends at the zoo!

On Sunday we took a little nature walk with the kids. Another beautiful day!

 Peter convinced me not to skip the pumpkin carving tradition.  We kept it simple!

Friday I took the kids downtown for their annual trick or treat at the businesses.  However, due to enormous interest and turn out, we left early!  Cort stayed with our neighbor friends, but penguin, Owlette and little cow came home! 

On Halloween, it was quite rainy!  But these PJ Masks didn't let a little rain stop them!

Nov 1, 2015

Halloween 2015

Disney has a new cartoon called PJ Masks.  They are 3 little kid super hero's! 
So my children dressed up like them for halloween! 
Ella was "Owlette"
Ty was "Catboy"
Cort was "Gekko"

They were pretty excited!! 
Cort wouldn't put his mask over his eyes :) 

And baby Trippy was a dragon, however, our little dragon was not feeling well so he only wore his cute little costume for this picture.

Oct 18, 2015

Tripp was baptized!

Ty looks dapper!

Attempt at a family photo


Another family had their son baptized too. So Ella and the girls sang!

After baptism...
The kids all crashed in their sleeping bags and Peter and I had a few minutes of rest too!  3 of our 6 slept, the other 3 rested! 

fun days

Ty had is first day of special helper in 3 school. He is getting so big!

Ty likes to put his feet up when he watches Ella play soccer!

Cort, you look... pretty!

Cort, you dude

Watch out for the biker gang around town! 
 Cort and our neighbor friend Ellie 

Cort and Ty, you look... foxy!

Oct 13, 2015

Apple orchard

On Sunday, we picked apples!




The family!