Jan 12, 2014

Our Weekend

It was quite a puzzling weekend????
(get it?  HA HA!) 

 20 puzzles done!

 And we went ice skating.  Ty did quite well for 17 months old and his first time on ice skates.  He was able to glide well while being held up and take a few "steps" on his own. 
And Ella did excellent for her first time out this winter!


The boys smiling together!

 The parents smiling together !

All the snow has been quite enjoyable to see and fun for the kids!
It has reached as high as our deck!

Jan 7, 2014

Cort is 6 months!

More holiday fun!

Ty in his flashy santa diapers and santa hat!

Christmas party - Ty and cousin Carter hanging out

My children playing with their toy power tools- we couldn't be more proud!

 Meijer Gardens