Feb 4, 2013


January has been another fun month!  Ella waited patiently for the snow to arrive, and when it did she became a snowman!  She loves to hang out and play in the snow!

Ty also started eating baby food. He takes his mealtimes very seriously.  There is no goofing around while he is eating.  Of the millions of smiles I see out of him, I am hard pressed to squeak one out in between bites of green beans or peaches. He is relatively clean too! I'm sure that will end soon.

We spent a weekend in the Wisconsin Dells at a hotel with a waterpark.  We were able to meet friends there and enjoy time with them.  Ella loved the waterpark, of course!  Ty even took a quick dip around the lazy river with me.  Thanks to friends for meeting us there!
And we celebrated a few milestones toward the end of the month.  
Ty turned 6 months!  He is such an amazing little man! Very content and relaxed.

Peter and Riley share the same birthday too!  Riley turned 1 year old and Peter turned....    Well, we don't have to mention that.  Ella is sure to tell you if you ask her :)

I have to admit that I am rather impressed that Riley made it to his first birthday with our family.  There were moments along the way that I thought he may have to find a new family:)  However, that is more because of me, and not as much him.  Going through the "puppy phase" with a pregnant owner, then a post-pregnant owner with a newborn,  then a pregnant owner with a baby....   Let's just say we are all happy to be past the "puppy phase" for the most part!  He really is a great dog!  He doesn't bark much, doesn't shed, takes afternoon naps while Ella is in school, and loves Papa for those weekends we go away. 


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